Mr John Brown is a 35-year-old medically fit patient. He is employed as a school teacher. Mr Brown originally presented with a painful and discoloured UL1 5 years ago, following a road traffic accident. You had successfully performed root canal treatment for the tooth. Mr Brown has noted a gradual deterioration in the colour of the tooth, and this has led to him attending today. Explain to Mr Brown why the UL1 has discoloured. Discuss the various treatment options available to manage his aesthetic concerns. Please outline the relevant advantages and disadvantages for each option.
[[Enter the room]]
[[Think for a minute]]
* Greeting based on the time of day
* Introduce yourself
* I understand that your tooth has become discoloured. I'm sorry to hear about that. We'll see what we can do about it.
[[Can I ask you a few questions before I examine you?]]
[[Possible reasons for discolouration]][[Possible reasons for discolouration]] Do you have any pain?
[[Yes, the tooth does hurt quite a bit]]
[[No, it isn't painful in any way]]* Residual dead tissue after RCT
* Overfilled GP
* Access filled with amalgamHasn't been a pathway in an actor OSCE so far - more likely that he'll say [[No, it isn't painful in any way]] .Do you have any medical issues?
[[No medical issues, really]]
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